- Local Business
Substance Abuse Education in Hertford, NC 27944
About Broadstreet Counseling Center
Not all substance abuse treatment programs need to be conducted inside of a living facility. You do not have to change your living accommodations for with our program because we offer outpatient substance abuse treatment for our patients to follow the recovery steps in comfort.
Our priority is the well-being of our patients. We offer living accommodations that will guarantee not only progress, but recovery success. We focus on the emotional, physical, and mental stages of relapse to cover every area that could take control of your body.
Are you eager to learn more about Broadstreet Counseling Center? Call (252) 426-3130 to speak with one of our associates. We can address all your pressing questions. Feel free to also visit our website at broadstreetcounselingcenter.com to find further details on one local business.
- Drug Recovery Treatment
- Mental Health Assistance
- Probation Referrals
- Drug Addiction Counseling
- Alcohol Dependence Treatment
- Mental Health Referral
- Drug Rehabilitation
- 12 Step Programs
- Recovery Program
- Co Dependency Education
- ADETS Classes
- Outpatient Substance Abuse Treatment
- Out Patient Treatment Facility
- Relapse Prevention Training
- Rehab
- DWI Assessment
- Substance Abuse Evaluations
- Substance Abuse Education
- Relapse Prevention
- Drug Intervention
Languages Spoken
Hours of Operation
Sunday: CLOSED
Monday: 10:30AM to 5:00PM
Tuesday: 10:30AM to 5:00PM
Wednesday: 10:30AM to 5:00PM
Thursday: 10:30AM to 5:00PM
Friday: CLOSED
Saturday: CLOSED